Our Team
Collaborating Education Agencies
Many thanks to the following educational organizations who collaborated with us to develop and test DecisionMaker® :
- Kansas State Department of Education, with a staff of 234, serves more than 500,000 students across the State of Kansas.
- Matthew Lenard: Director, Data Strategy & Analytics (2017-18)
- Colleen Paeplow: Senior Director, Program Accountability (2018-19)
- Brad McMillen: Assistant Superintendent for Data, Research, and Accountability (2017-19)
- Adam Bonilla: Interim Director, Equity and Access (2017-18)
- Wendy McCulley: Director of African American Students Initiative (2017-18)
- David Jansen: Executive Officer, Equity and Access (2017-19)
- Kim Mecum: Chief Academic Officer (2017-19)
- Daniel Velasco: Assistant Principal (2017-2019); Middle School Principal (2019-2020); Interim High School Principal (2019 - )
- Anthony Cherry: Lead Principal (2017-19)
- Kate Starke: 9th and 10th grade Academy Leader (2017-19)
- Michael Mann: Head of School (2017-19)
- Jason Koch: ELL coordinator, Teacher of high school Spanish and ESL (2017-18)
- Olivia Arroyo: Global History Instructor (2018-19)
- Christina White: Assistant Principal (2017-19)